


Burning love - A danish cardiac arrest dish

This traditional danish dish named burning love (translated brandende kærlighed) is not for folks with a weak heard. It is simple cooking at its best.
The dish consist of a good portion of mashed potatoes toped with crisped bacon and sweat onions roasted in a lot of salty butter. - Thats it!  But boy, this will make your heart jump ;-)

Boil the potatoes and mash them in a bowl with a good amount of butter and some milk. More butter, more soft and creamy the mashed potatoes will be. Add some salt, pepper and muscat, you can always adjust the taste wile mashing the potatoes and add more butter and spices.

Chop the bacon up into smaller pieces and roast them until they are crispy. Put the bacon aside. Now slice the onions up into rings and roast them with a lot of butter, until they are soft and light brown. During the onion roasting you can always add more butter so they don't get to hard and brown but stay soft. When the onions are done add the bacon back into the frying pan with the onions and mix them together for a good minute.

Well, thats basically it.

Put the mashed potatoes on plate and top them of with the bacon and onions. Et voilà!
If you want to please your bad conscience about all the butter and the greasy bacon, you can add a topping of parsley to the dish, but trust me, this doesn't really make it much healthier, makes it only nicer to look at ;-)


Preparation time is about 40 min with cooking of the potatoes and chopping the ingredients.

  • Potatoes
  • Bacon
  • Onions 
  • Butter, some real butter with salt like eg. Lurkpark butter    
  • Milk
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Muscat 
  • Parsley (Optional)
Happy Cooking!